LinkedIn Data Scraper (Worldwide)

    • Social Media

LinkedIn Data Scraper (Worldwide)

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Try LinkedIn Data Scraping for Getting Company Information for Business Expansion

LinkedIn data scraper or LinkedIn profile scraper scrapes LinkedIn data in automated manner and delivers data in required format. LinkedIn is a world largest professional networking site that contains business oriented service. It is mainly used for employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their CVs. Infovium web scraping services offer LinkedIn data scraping that scrape data from LinkedIn public profile as well as LinkedIn company pages. Scraping LinkedIn enable you to analyse your targeted company information and helps you to expand your business.

Our LinkedIn Data Scraper Scrapes and Provides:

  • LinkedIn URL
  • Domain
  • Company name
  • Category
  • Location
  • Followers
  • Employee
  • About company
  • Website
  • Headquarters
  • Year of company founded
  • Company type
  • Size
  • Specialize
  • LinkedIn number

Here we mention our LinkedIn scraping regarding LinkedIn company pages. We often scraped LinkedIn company pages and extracted various company details. Please check our small sample file given for getting idea about our LinkedIn data scraping.

We also scrape public data from LinkedIn profiles like Name, Designation, Location, connections, description, experience, education and more with our LinkedIn profile scraper.

Infovium LinkedIn scraping is efficient to extract data from LinkedIn mobile application accurately.

For any type of data extraction requirement contact us on Our expertise team is ready to serves you efficiently with optimum solution at affordable cost.

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